Storyboard Blog

 The first steps im going to take into this video is watching the video a few times. Then im going to go over all the camera angles and clamps and sounds and background thats in the video. When i have a good understanding of the things i can do thats in the music video im going to find a proper place or places to film the music video. When i find the place im going to plan out how the video will go and what ill do for it. When i know that all get all the props i need or extra equipment or costumes. Finally when i have all of that, im going to start filming my music video. After a few takes or times doing it and im finally happy with how it turned out, ill start going through all the takes I did. Then ill put all the best parts together and start doing edits to the video. Ill add cool effects to the video or ill just start clipping the video to the proper length or cutting out the thing I dont like in it. Once ive done that and im happy with how my music video turned out, ill turn it in.  


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